What is GoServe
GoServe is a collaborative group of churches and Christian organizations working together to enable transformation in our state. This dynamic model allows us to connect with those in need by freely providing food, home goods, clothing, and other necessities retail organizations donate. We believe that if we can find a need and fill it, we can cultivate relationships and see lives transformed.
Churches and Christian organizations are uniquely positioned to know their communities’ most significant needs. With the resources and products donated by local retail organizations and distributed by GoServe, they are able to share the love of Christ by meeting practical needs.
How it Works

A HUB is a church or Christian organization with the capacity to be a warehouse distribution center of food, apparel, and household items to local churches or Christian organizations (PODS).

A POD is a local church or Christian organization in covenant with CityServe Michigan. They receive products from their assigned Hub and equip their HEROES to meet the practical and spiritual needs of their neighborhoods.

A HERO is an individual trained and mobilized by their POD to give the donated products to those in need. The gift provides opportunities for the HEROES to build relationships and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.